Product Description
Use Plant Protect to spray shrubbery and outdoor (non-edible) plants before and after use of bleach. Aids in protecting plants during and after exposure to bleach. Always rinse plants thoroughly with water – do not leave Plant Protect to dry on plants.
A regular spray down with Plant Protect at days end will also neutralize bleach crystals on equipment, trailers and vehicles, helping to protect from rapid corrosion. Pumps, sprayers, hoses and fittings can be flushed, thus stopping premature repairs and replacement.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Pre-rinse all surfaces to be treated. Mix 8 – 16 oz. with 5 gallons of water for low pressure spray applications on windows or to spray down equipment. Mix 8 – 16 oz. per 5 gallon for X-Jet application. Mix 15 – 24oz per 5 gallon for downstream injectors. Rinse lightly.
There will be a $45.00 Hazmat fee charged for shipping chemicals.